Monthly Archives: January 2024


Spotting a pyramid scheme can be challenging because they often use deceptive tactics to appear legitimate. Annest Namata who is very deceitful and a thief uses all sorts of deceptive means to cover up her tracks.

Annest Namata went to Rwanda where no one knew her for a simple reason, to start a pyramid scheme/scam and con people who will fall for her lie that she wants to help people start businesses.

There are several common signs and red flags to watch out for when trying to identify a potential pyramid scheme:

  1. High Emphasis on Recruitment Over Products/Services:
    • Pyramid schemes primarily focus on recruiting new participants rather than selling genuine products or services. If the emphasis is heavily on recruitment and less on actual product sales, it’s a red flag.
  2. Promise of High Returns with Little Effort:
    • Pyramid schemes often promise quick and substantial returns with minimal effort. Be skeptical of any opportunity that guarantees high income without a clear explanation of how it’s achieved.
  3. No Tangible Products or Services:
    • Legitimate businesses provide real value through their products or services. In pyramid schemes, there may be a product like the case for LCL Saladmaster Rwanda but the products or services may be of low quality but praised as high quality, overpriced, or in some cases non-existent. Check if the offered products or services have genuine demand in the market vis-a-vis their prices. if anyone claims they are in high demand then why are they not sold in store/shops or online?
  4. Complex Compensation Structures:
    • Pyramid schemes typically have complicated compensation structures that are difficult to understand. If you can’t easily explain how you’ll make money beyond recruiting others, it’s a warning sign.
  5. Pressure to Invest or Join the Pyramid Scheme Quickly:
    • Pyramid schemes often use high-pressure tactics to push potential recruits/victims into joining or investing immediately. They may create a sense of urgency to prevent you from conducting due diligence.
  6. Lack of Transparency:
    • Legitimate businesses are transparent about their operations, financials, and compensation plans. If a company or opportunity lacks transparency or avoids answering your questions, be cautious. Note that if you ever ask Annest Namata a question on Social Media, she can never answer. When you ask her a question directly about her pyramid scam business, she will not give you a straight answer.
  7. Recruitment Incentives:
    • Pyramid schemes offer rewards or bonuses for recruiting new members. These incentives can create a cycle of recruitment where the focus is on bringing in more participants.
  8. Exaggerated Testimonials:
    • Be wary of glowing testimonials from individuals who claim to have made substantial profits without clear evidence. These testimonials may be fabricated or exaggerated to lure new recruits that I refer top as victims.
  9. Unrealistic Income Projections:
    • Pyramid schemes often present income projections that are unrealistically high. If it sounds too good to be true, it likely is.
  10. No Genuine Product Demand:
    • Investigate whether there is a real market demand for the products or services being offered. If people are mainly purchasing because of the opportunity to earn money, it’s a red flag. This is exactly what is happening in Annest Namata’s pyramid scam.
  11. Legal Issues or Investigations:
    • Check whether the company or opportunity or the person who claims to own the company in this case Annest Namata has faced legal issues, investigations, or regulatory actions related to pyramid schemes or fraudulent activities. She faced a lot of fraudulent activities investigation in Uganda and she ran to Rwanda where no one knows and started the stealing and conning afresh.
  12. Limited Focus on Product Sales:*****
    • If the primary focus is on recruitment and not on selling actual products, it is a pyramid scheme. LCL Saladmaster Rwanda primary focus is on recruitment.
  13. Lack of Retail Sales:*******
    • Pyramid schemes often lack significant retail sales to non-participants. Legitimate MLMs should have a substantial portion of their revenue generated through retail sales to customers who are not participants in the pyramid scheme.
  14. Pressure to Buy Inventory:
    • If you are pressured to purchase large quantities of inventory or products to participate, be cautious. Pyramid schemes often require participants to buy inventory that is difficult to sell. In this LCL SaladMaster Rwanda pyramid scheme, how many people in Rwanda are going to be able to buy a Laddle for $1,800 and or set of saucepans for up to $15,000 to $17,000?
  15. Unsustainable Growth:
    • Pyramid schemes grow exponentially, which is unsustainable. The recruitment-focused structure will eventually collapse when it becomes impossible to recruit enough new participants.

If you encounter an opportunity or organisation like LCL Saladmaster Rwanda, that clearly exhibits several of these warning signs, exercise extreme caution, and consider seeking advice from financial professionals or regulatory authorities. Remember that pyramid schemes are illegal in many countries and can lead to financial loss for participants.

Most important of all, if you would like to do your due diligence on the self proclaimed CEO of LCL Saladmaster Rwanda called Annest Namata, contact me. I will be able to give you a full history of her background and the people she has conned and stolen from before and is stealing from now. Plus I will be able to give details of how she cons her victims of the pyramid scam.

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Posted by on January 17, 2024 in Uncategorized


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Take Note: Annest Namata the thief who is scaming Rwandans with her Pyramid Scam, acts rich to fool those who don’t know her. She wants you to think that she has made money genuinely and believe her pyramid scam. Besides all that, she is not as she wants you to believe so that she can scam you and make you her money victim.

So I am posting this so that when you see Annest Namata acting a certain way in public areas, you will know what she is. She suffers from delusions of grandeur and now she has a thieving partner in crime who acts the same. So imagine the duo of thieves.

There’s a big difference between being rich and acting rich, and it goes beyond just the amount of money someone has.

Some key distinctions:

Financial foundation:

  • Being rich: This is about having a solid financial foundation. This often means having an accumulated wealth that grows over time, generating passive income, and providing options for the future. Wealth sources can be diverse, including investments, property, or successful businesses.
  • Acting rich: This typically focuses on short-term appearances and spending. People might have a high income, but they spend it all or even more, accumulating debt and living paycheck to paycheck. They prioritise expensive gadgets, showing off, flashy clothes, and extravagant experiences over long-term financial security.

Spending habits:

  • Being rich: Rich people generally practice conscious spending. They might indulge in luxuries occasionally, but they prioritise saving and investing. They understand the value of money and are mindful of their budget.
  • Acting rich: People who act rich often prioritise impulsive spending. They might purchase expensive items to project an image of wealth, even if it means sacrificing financial stability. They chase trends and status symbols,often falling into debt.

Values and priorities:

  • Being rich: Rich people often have diverse interests and priorities beyond material possessions. They might invest in personal growth, philanthropy, or building meaningful relationships. Their sense of worth isn’t solely defined by money.
  • Acting rich: People who act rich often make wealth and material possessions their main focus. Their self-worth can be heavily tied to external validation and the perception of others. They might prioritise social status and “keeping up with the Joneses.”


  • Being rich: Rich people can enjoy a comfortable and fulfilling lifestyle, which doesn’t necessarily have to be ostentatious. They have the freedom to pursue their passions and interests, often leading balanced lives.
  • Acting rich: People who act rich might project an image of luxury, but their lives may be stressful and unsustainable. They often face financial pressure, anxiety about losing their perceived status, and difficulty finding true fulfillment.

Remember, being rich isn’t just about having a lot of money. It’s about using your resources wisely to build a secure and fulfilling life. Acting rich, on the other hand, can be a temporary facade that masks underlying financial instability and dissatisfaction.

It’s important to note that these are generalisations, and individual experiences can vary. But understanding the key differences can help you develop a healthier relationship with money and focus on building true wealth, both financially and personally.

DO NOT BE IMPRESSED BY ANNEST NAMATA ACTING RICH. Her intention is to fool people especially in Rwanda to think that she is rich.

Acting rich is another trick thieves like Annest Namata that she uses to fool people that she has made it in life. This makes it easier for her victims of her pyramid scam to believe that she is successful from doing the business of selling saucepans.

A message to all her Rwanda victims of her pyramid scam called LCL Saladmaster Rwanda, Annest Namata steals money from you. The business she runs is a pyramid scam. Ask yourself again, if it is a genuine business, why can’t she open a store/shop and sell those things she claims are the best. Why can’t she at least open an online store?

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Posted by on January 17, 2024 in Uncategorized


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If a Woman Truly Loves You, You WON’T Have to Beg For These 5 Things.

In a healthy relationship, there are certain things you shouldn’t have to beg for because they come naturally to a woman who genuinely cares for you.

PICTURES: When a woman truly loves you, sharing pictures is a delightful way of staying connected.

It could be a selfie from her day, a funny meme or a sweet moment captured in a photo.

These little visual snippets are a way of saying, “I want to share my life with you.” They show that she values your bond enough to keep you updated and involved in her daily experiences.

QUALITY TIME TOGETHER: Spending quality time together is a fundamental aspect of a loving relationship.

When your partner loves you, she won’t make you beg for her time and attention.

Instead, she will eagerly look forward to moments when you can be together, whether it’s for a romantic dinner, a movie night or just cuddling on the couch.

Her willingness to prioritise your relationship speaks volumes about her affection.

A TEXT BACK: Communication is key in any relationship and when she truly loves you, she won’t leave you hanging.

You shouldn’t have to beg for a simple text back or worry about being ignored.

Her prompt and considerate replies indicate that she values your thoughts and wants to maintain a strong connection, even through simple text exchanges.

AFFECTION and ATTENTION: Love should be expressed through gestures of affection and attention.

Whether it’s holding hands, hugging or giving each other loving glances, these non-verbal cues are essential in any relationship.

When your girl loves you, she’ll naturally offer these expressions without you having to plead for them, making you feel cherished and valued.

TRUST AND SUPPORT: True love comes with trust and support. But don’t take these things for granted and still expect it to be unwavering. 

You shouldn’t have to beg for her trust or feel like you are on trial for anything. Instead, she should have faith in your bond and offer her support in your endeavours.

Her belief in you and your relationship is a testament to her love.

In a loving relationship, these aspects are freely given, fostering a strong connection built on trust, affection, and mutual care.

When these elements are present, you can be confident that your partner truly loves you and cherishes the relationship you share.

Ever heard of Narcissistic behaviour by one partner against the other?

Then there is the monetary issues that cause relationships to crash and burn. Emotions are hormonal based, one should prefer actions over emotions, even emotional support is an action.

BUT the subject of this blog Annest Namata clearly exposes herself as a Gold Digging serial thief by everything she does and doesn’t do. NOTHING she does is genuine or honest. She is a cold thieving and conniving old hog.

It’s quite intriguing how the Christian faith uses marriage (the love of a bride groom to the bride) as a great analogy. Jesus loves us 1st, he the groom. Without question, without hesitancy and even when he is wronged in the relationship time and time again. He still loves! We, the bride receive that love and when we accept it, we feel the depth of that love and it cultivates a desire to reciprocate it back to our creator. I see how the same follows suit in our earthly relationships. From that perspective, one of the biggest detriments to this bond aside from sin is selfishness. We live in a world where we constantly look for self help, self gratification, self worth and so on.

There are people like Annest Namata, who pretends to be affectionate but she does it for ulterior motives and her motives are a foreign passport, money and material things.

Annest Namata only abandons and leaves men that she used NOT men that she loved. Do not let her friend zone you after she has stolen from you. There is a long trail of them who chose to keep quiet and that is why she thinks they fear her. Prosecute the damn thief.

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Posted by on January 8, 2024 in Uncategorized


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