Monthly Archives: October 2017


Let me Introduce her;
Her Name is Annest Namata a.k.a. Namaslut and she loves and adores MONEY and MATERIAL THINGS so much. To her, money is God. She worships money more than Judas Iscariot. That is why she is called a GOLD DIGGER.

Remember that marriage is Not 50/50, Divorce is 50/50. Both partners should be giving their all thus making it 100/100. It’s not about splitting everything in half as Annest the thief always wants. Divorce is her ultimate goal.

In Uganda, she is called a DETOOTHER. That is a slut who leads men to believe that she wants to be in a serious relationship and she gains their trust and later on steals from them. She has stolen from every man in every relationship she has been in.

Apart from stealing my car, money, my business files, my business documentation and material things from my house, she stole my late mothers Bank of America Debit card after she had stolen money from her Ugandan Bank account. Plus she stole my late mothers Death Certificate from my briefcase. So I had to warn the Bank of America to watch out for the thief going to the Bank and claiming its her mothers account.

Any errand I sent her on that had anything to do with money, she would lie to the people involved that my mother was her mother and she would not mention my name at all. Imagine she never met my mother but there she was stealing in the name of “am her daughter”. IF my mother had met her, she would NEVER have wanted anything to do with her. Annest namata is an evil whore of a thief.

She is ONLY motivated by material things and money. Nothing else.

Annest namata is an immoral old woman whose illiterate parents never taught her how to share or behave in society.

That’s why I refer to her as EVIL and DECEITFUL.

She claims that every man wants her because she is very beautiful and young because she is always 27 years old (Hmm!). According to her, she doesn’t grow old. She is always young. That’s why she has many ‘bonkmates’ all over the place that fulfil her sexual network but she will tell you “they are just friends.” Some are old enough to be her father. But hey she loves money so she will sleep with anything and anyone.

She says that She is very young and very beautiful because she bleaches herself to be very brown-skinned so that men can want her. She believes that men like brown skinned-women bleached like her now.
She says she is the most beautiful woman in the world,
capable of re-arranging the relationship Order.

NOTE: When a person has grown up poor all their life and they find meat, they will be very greedy and do anything to steal. That’s Annest namata for you – very very greedy, selfish and evil.

She wants men only for their money, connections and assets they have. She will do ANYTHING for money.

When you have money, she will act slutty to get your attention and open her legs.

The main man that she refers to as husband at any one time, is only for the money and material needs not love but she makes him think she loves him so much(She has done that to many other previous men). So don’t think you are special now. That’s how she operates.

She dresses seductively to seduce men everywhere she goes because she says and brags that she knows what men want to see and how they want to see it. Watch how she walks like an old dog. That is why you will see her flushing her breasts/cleavage and thighs in inappropriate places e.g. in a serious meeting or gathering. In a meeting setup, she will always sit at the forefront. For her, it is an opportunity to flash to men with a view to getting their attention so that she can have an affair with them or at least sell herself for money in any lodge or hotel.

She says she is also capable of changing the behaviour of men and her narcissistic followers that she calls friends
because humans idealize her(She thinks). She says she is very beautiful and that is why people are jealous of her everywhere she goes.(delusions of grandeur)

Her specialty:
1. She changes her personality from time to time,
2. She betrays friends and family(anyone can be betrayed by her at any time),
3. She sells her body to any highest bidder but pretends that she is born again and religious,

4. She even abandons religion, for the sake of money but always pretends that she is very born again

5. She is very selfish and extremely extremely arrogant

6. She steals money after convincing people that she is genuine and honest and encourages them to trust her by pretending

7. As she clearly told me time and time again to my horror, “she hates her parents because they are poor”.

She doesn’t understand the difference between righteous & depraved,

She is very two-faced, a backstabber, evil and very fake
She uses men as a standard for Status(She climbs men),
Deciding whether a person is👉Rich or Poor👉 Honourable or low born.

She hates her siblings and she often calls them thieves but in reality she is more of a thief than they are. She likes making people think they are thieves and she is not.

She says she is not a third person,
But many husbands and wives are separated because of her.
Many children and parents are at loggerheads because of her.

It is also obvious that money is not God,
But she worships money and material things
She believes often times that the servants of God are honouring her more than God.

she is supposed to serve mankind, but she pretends to be hard working and subservient until she gets what she want from men

She will never sacrifice herself for anyone,
But manipulates many men into sacrificing for her

She is a Prostitute to the highest bidder. Your income cannot guarantee her loyalty. She is one of the biggest cheats around. She sleeps around with any man who offers her money.

She will even remind you that,
She can only be an Instrument of payment because of her great love of money and materialistic things

If one day when you are being called by God,
She will not be able to accompany you
Let alone to be the redeemer of your Sins…,
You have to face it yourself with your creator and
then accept his judgment.

And lastly;

She says that she will not be in hell because she tells people “I am going to HEAVEN”. This is despite the number of people she has betrayed, abused, used and stolen from.

Just know that Annest Namata is the root of all evil no matter how she pretends that she is genuine or how religious or born again she claims to be. She is just a gold digger, thief and very evil.

Word of Warning :

“Feed the dogs for 5 days, they will remember you for 5 years. Feed Annest Namata for 5 years, she will forget you in less than 1 day.”

All the people who believe her pretentious life and think that she is honest and genuine, are very foolish. CAN’T YOU SEE THAT YOU ARE BEING ROBBED AND DISRESPECTED?

It’s terrifying that everything she has told you, and you think you know about her is a lie.

This is NOT Character Assassination. This is Real Life Character Revelation


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Posted by on October 11, 2017 in Uncategorized



Past behaviour is the best predictor of future behaviour. She will always say “that’s history, the past is the past”. Watch the thief repeat the history of her vile rotten behaviour.

A prostitute will always be a prostitute.

A thief will always be a thief.

This woman is both. You cannot change a leopards spots. If you think you can, dream on.

When you first meet Annest Namata the narcissist, she gives you have a villager slut stare and flatter everything about you. Thereafter, she will communicate with you constantly. She will ACT like she is fascinated by your looks, your accomplishments, your sense of humour, your morals, whatever you happen to value most. This quick bond causes you to feel an immediate sense of trust, safe to open up and be vulnerable. But once that happens and you discover her pretentious thieving deceitful life, she begins to pull away, suddenly becoming annoyed that you seem so interested in continuing the passionate relationship that she created. Your previously “perfect” qualities become flaws and she starts to focus her attention elsewhere causing you to feel inadequate and desperate.

She is extremely notorious for picking targets that initially boost her arrogant deceitful ego. Her targets are for one of these reasons; high job position, intellect, mainly if they have money, reputation, career success, material ownership of the target like the car (s) he has, houses he has, cows he has, etc, family name, status, political connections.

She believes that she is immune to consequences no matter what she does or when she steals from you because of her sexual network.

The biggest reason this narcissist Annest Namata never learns from her mistakes is because she thinks that she is above the law by virtue of the men she sleeps around with. She thinks immunity is sexually transmitted. She thinks importance is sexually transmitted.

She thinks importance or class is sexually transmitted too.

She has the ability to lie, deceive and distort the facts more convincingly than her victims are able to tell the truth. Use you brain when you are around this narcissistic thief. Damned if you don’t.

With her ROTTEN VILE manners, she is coming to spoil the purity and grace of the people of Rwanda. Her manners are very rotten that in her insults and disrespect she includes family members and your parents.

We are a society of ethics and morals, that’s how we are raised. So to have such an evil whore who arrogantly flaunts herself, makes one wonder.

She is constantly whispering poison and gossip into everyone’s ears, making each person feel jealous and suspicious of the other. She does so under a guise of innocence, using pity stories and pseudo-concern to warp your perception. She wants people distracted and in constant competition for her attention so that she seems in high-demand at all times.

Cognitive Dissonance:

When this thief Annest namata enters your life, you will notice intense and ever-increasing sense of dread and self-doubt. Your brain will struggle to reconcile the “perfect” person from the beginning, with the inappropriate behaviour you are starting to see more regularly. That is because that perfect person she made you think she was NEVER actually existed. It was a persona she created just for you in order to con you and so that she can make her way into your life very quickly and so that you can trust her.

40 days of a serial thief in Uganda elapsed. So she is running to Rwanda and fooling someone that she loves him. All the while she is talking to many other men round the world skimming who to ran off with all for her great love of money.

Your hardest battle is between what you know in your head and what you feel in your heart because she will continually play with your head and heart.

When you know what you know… there is NO need to entertain this deceitful evil whore called Annest namata.


Tell a friend

Will he listen to this warning? She will fool him into not using his brain. He thinks he is special from the rest of the victims.



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Posted by on October 3, 2017 in Uncategorized