Monthly Archives: June 2022


This is a little glimpse into what you can do without having to be fooled by Annest Namata the thief that you need LCL Saladmaster Rwanda cookware to prepare healthy meals.

Do not be sucked into her Ponzi scamming training and claims that you will make $400 – $800 a week by selling the cookware. That is a fallacy in Rwanda. It can never happen.

That is the amount of money the serial thief Annest Namata wants to make from conning you. But she makes the vulnerable desperate people think they will make that amount of money. Scammers and thieves like her are good at looking out for desperate needy people

A variety of fresh unprocessed food is all you need. So don’t let the scamming thief called Annest Namata fool you that you need to use the pans she sells in order to be healthy. She has now gone as far as claiming that the saucepans she sells stop diseases like cancer. You have to wonder who can stop using their common and believe such claims.

In a following blog post, I will outline the cost of the saucepans that Annest Namata sells in Rwanda to a point of pushing victims to get loans to finance the buying of the saucepans. She likens the saucepans to buying cars. I pity the few people who have fallen for her scams and bought them. Most of all I pity the victims who are struggling unemployed youth who have joined her pyramid scheme(scam).

Your body is a machine:

Use food, workouts and mobility to upgrade your hardware.

Use books, writing and meditation to upgrade your software.

So once again, do not be fooled by a serial thief called Annest Namata and her so called consultants that you need the cookware she sells to keep your body healthy and in shape. No cookware in the world has any technology to make you healthy.

When you eat is as important as what you eat not so much the saucepans you use to warrant a thief selling them to you at $8,000 a piece while claiming that they have technology.

It is best to have a meal mid morning, then the largest meal from noon to 2pm and your last meal of the day before the sun goes down.

These are the time the body can best process the energy/calories form what you eat.

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Posted by on June 25, 2022 in Uncategorized



Today is world narcissistic awareness day.

Let’s keep exposing the narcissistic abusers to the world.

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Posted by on June 3, 2022 in Uncategorized