Monthly Archives: June 2021


Annest Namata does not have any normal ethics of morality that you would expect. She is an evil thief.

She asks men to hold her hand in her darkness. As soon as she is led to light, she betrays the men. Worst of all, she exploits and uses people whether Male or female.

A good example, is how she is currently exploiting people in Kigali, Rwanda with fake promises of helping them start businesses. What is her business success story that she can fool anyone with? Annest Namata is a thief. Period! Rwandan people wake up.

Time to explain what a collapsed narcissist is.

Annest Namata limits you to what she can do with you and what she can give until you give in to her demands as she compares you to other men. It’s damn stupid and whorish but she thinks she’s the best thing since sliced bread.

As old as she is, she still claims that she’s the most beautiful woman in the world. She’s now gone further to brag in Rwanda that she’s rich, that she helps people start lucrative businesses and a nutritionist.

Do not let Annest Namata and or her closest friends exploit you with that pyramid scam nonsense. We live in an information age and can access any information we so wish.

Find out who Annest Namata really is and her track record of theft and embezzlement.

I have no problem cutting people out of my life for good. Sometimes, you have to free yourself from bullshit and have peace of mind. Your time is very valuable.

This Annest Namata would drive my car from my house she was living in, for sex from kampala, Uganda to small towns like Mbale, at past midnight. Imagine if she got an accident simply because she is going to have sex with old married men?

But she is there being arrogant now.

Can Annest Namata explain when I found her in a car park at African Hotel in Kampala, Uganda with a man late in the night having sex in the car with him? Let her deny it and I will expose more pictures with her face showing.

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Posted by on June 7, 2021 in Uncategorized


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