10 May

The thief called Annest Namata does it all the time.

The sole purpose of Annest namata’s current target/victim is to meet her current needs i.e. money, sex, contacts in Rwanda, status by getting his passport of origin, bigger home than her box maid quarters I met her in, properties, etc. It has nothing to do with real love, or being special or being better than you or I.

To Annest Namata the narcissist, it’s like a business transaction which benefits only Annest no one else akin to prostituting herself.

Who you think Annest Namata is:

Loving, kindhearted, altruistic, humble, generous, honest, passionate, wounded, wonderful, religious, born again. By the way, she thinks she’s the end all.

Who Annest namata really is:

Thief, Evil, Cold, calculated, selfish, abusive, manipulative, very vindictive, disrespectful, arrogant, compulsive liar, disloyal, deceptive, horrible.

Once you see her for what she really is, versus the person you thought you knew, the contrast is frightening and very disturbing.

You are too good for her. Don’t beg.

It’s unimaginable that Annest Namata can fake an entire relationship simply to have her needs met.

Don’t have a relationship with a moody person like Annest Namata the evil chameleon.


By the way, Annest Namata also hopes that no one believes the warnings in this. blog.

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Posted by on May 10, 2020 in Uncategorized


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