Daily Archives: January 7, 2017


new-samsung-pix-6413 Psychological manipulation is defined as the exercise of undue influence through mental distortion and emotional exploitation, with the intention to seize power, control, benefits and/or privileges at the victim’s expense.

 Psychopaths walk among us and look all normal. Annest Namata walks amongst you whilst hiding behind religion claiming she is born again, claiming she is a business woman, all the while being evil to people and stealing from them. Here’s how to resist the evilness of this narcissistic psychopath.

Psychopaths aren’t just the villains in slasher movies and morality tales. They walk among us every day, appearing at first like normal people. The same goes for narcissists.

The long and short of it is this: In the course of a normal day, you’re almost guaranteed to run into a few truly toxic narcissist and psychopath like  Annest Namata who will try to abuse and manipulate

The excerpts below might seem extensive, but these short summaries below are actually just a small fraction of the advice available in the whole blog; #Truthbomb


“Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic that can be described in different variations of three words: ‘That didn’t happen,’ ‘You imagined it,’ and ‘Are you crazy?'” Gaslighting is perhaps one of the most insidious manipulative tactics she uses because it works to distort and erode your sense of reality; it eats away at your ability to trust yourself and inevitably disables you from feeling justified in calling out abuse and mistreatment.”

How can you fight back? “Ground yourself in your own reality–sometimes writing things down as they happened, telling a friend, or reiterating your experience to a support network can help to counteract the gaslighting effect.


You know when she claims all the nastiness that surrounds her is not her fault, but yours? That’s called projection. Narcissists do it a lot. “Projection is a defense mechanism used to displace responsibility of one’s negative behaviour and traits by attributing them to someone else.

The solution; “Don’t ‘project’ your own sense of compassion or empathy onto her and don’t own any of her projections either. Projecting our own conscience and value system onto others has the potential consequence of being met with further exploitation by her. Don’t forget that  she is an opportunistic thief.


She fails to consider the long-term ramifications of certain decisions. This psychopath will claim you called her “a loose cannon.” You noted this could possibly go south if X, Y, and Z conditions occur.

What’s going on? It’s not just that your nemesis didn’t understand what you said. It’s that she had no interest in understanding because she is busy 

having affairs and sleeping around with several other men to have attention for you. She always fools someone into believing they are her partner, she will fool him that she refers to him as husband but all the while she is sleeping around with all types of men for money and material things.

Malignant narcissists aren’t always intellectual masterminds–many of them are intellectually lazy. Rather than taking the time to carefully consider a different perspective, they generalise anything and everything you say, making blanket statements that don’t acknowledge the nuances in your argument or take into account the multiple perspectives you’ve paid homage to.

To counter it, hold onto your truth and resist generalising statements by realising that they are in fact forms of black and white illogical thinking.

Deliberately moving the goal posts

Narcissists/sociopaths employ a logical fallacy known as moving the goal posts in order to ensure that they have every reason to be perpetually dissatisfied with you. This is when even after you’ve provided all the evidence in the world to validate your argument or taken an action to meet their request, they set up another expectation of you or demand more. This woman always moves the goal posts to justify her actions however wrong they may be.

Don’t play to her games. Validate and approve of yourself. Know that you are enough and you don’t have to be made to feel constantly deficient or unworthy in some way. Don’t forget she is a villager of a whore.

Changing the subject

Switching conversational topics sounds innocent enough, but in the hands of a master manipulator like Annest namata, a change of subject becomes a means tonew-samsung-pix-7484-copy avoid accountability. Narcissists don’t want you to be on the topic of holding them accountable for anything, so she will reroute discussions to benefit herself.

This sort of thing can go on forever if you let it, making it impossible to actually engage on the relevant issue. Try the broken record method to fight back: Continue stating the facts without giving in to her distractions. Redirect her redirection by saying, ‘That’s not what I am talking about. Let’s stay focused on the real issue.’ If she’s not interested, disengage and spend your energy on something more constructive. In the end you will find that you are wasting your valuable time on her.


Just because you’ve been dealing with this one since you encountered your first playground bully doesn’t make it any less destructive and apparently it continues. You will find out her name calling from friends and family. In your face she will pretend she is all nicey nicey and wife material. Behind your back she will talk nasty and dirty about you to a point of saying that you are lucky to have her.

Simply don’t tolerate it. It’s important to end any interaction that consists of name-calling and communicate that you won’t tolerate it.  Don’t internalise it: Realise that she’s resorting to name-calling because she’s deficient in higher level methods. Don’t forget she is a villager trying to pass herself off as a bourgoisie.

The Silent Treatmentsilent-treatment

By deliberately not responding to your reasonable calls, text messages, emails, or other inquiries, the manipulator presumes power by making you wait, and intends to place doubt and uncertainty in your mind. The silent treatment is a head game where silence is used as a form of leverage.  She does this a lot.


Dirty Smear campaigns

She will try to control the way you see yourself, the way you her friends that you know about when she has fallen out with them,the way you see your friends and close family and if she fails she will start to control how others see you. She will play the martyr while you’re labelled the toxic bad one. Her smear campaign is a pre-emptive strike to sabotage your reputation and slander your name. That is why I chose to expose her in this blog for what she is then she tried threatening and intimidating me using a foolish man whom I confronted and he denied it.

Sometimes true evil will even divide and conquer, pitting two people or groups against each other. Don’t let them succeed. Document any form of harassment, and make sure not to rise to the bait and let her horribleness provoke you into behaving in just the sort of negative ways she falsely attributed to you. For many years she tried her hardest to divide me with family and family friends. She is pure evil hiding behind religion.

Creating Urgency as cover for her promiscuitynew-samsung-pix-11527

Manipulators are masters at manufacturing urgency. They do this through stall tactics that are often preposterous. Some of the more outlandish ones my ex has used include: “My file cabinet is jammed and I can’t get the papers”; “I can’t read your e-mail, you will have to change your font”; “I’m going out of town” — always somewhere off the grid, like Siberia Adjacent — and won’t have access to e-mail, cell phone, fax, or messenger. Eventually the truth reveals itself.


Beware when she as your colleague or friend seems to love you while aggressively denigrating the last person who held your position. Narcissists do this all the time–they devalue their exes to their new partners, and eventually the new partner starts to receive the same sort of mistreatment as the narcissist’s ex-partner. But this dynamic happens in the professional realm as well as the personal one.

Simple awareness of the phenomenon is the first step to countering it. Be wary of the fact that how a person treats or speaks about someone will potentially translate into the way they will treat you in the near future. She did it to me. She devalued her exe even using my phone to message him then later devalued me to her affair man she was sleeping around with.

Pretend Ignorance download-2

This is the classic “playing dumb” tactic. By pretending she or he doesn’t understand what you want, or what you want her to do, the manipulator/passive-aggressive makes you take on what is her responsibility, and gets you to break a sweat. If she has done something wrong like sleep around with other men, when you ask her something in relation to that subject, her answer is “I don’t know”. If money is missing and you ask her, she will not look at you in the eye but will answer you “I don’t know”. She uses this tactic in order to delay, stall, and manipulate you into doing for her what she doesn’t want to do. She also uses this tactic as well when she has something to hide, or obligation she wishes to avoid like stealing from form you and cheating on you with other men.

 Aggressive jokes

The problem isn’t your sense of humour, it’s the hidden intention of that cutting joke. Covert narcissists like her enjoy making very malicious remarks at your expense. These are usually dressed up as ‘just jokes’ so that they can get away with saying appalling things while still maintaining an innocent, cool demeanor. Yet any time you are outraged at an insensitive, harsh remark, you are accused of having no sense of humour.

Don’t let the manipulative evil abuser gaslight you into thinking it was all innocent fun–it wasn’t.

Overwhelm You with fake Facts and Statisticsimages-1

She enjoys “wannabe intellectual bullying” by presuming to be the expert and most knowledgeable in certain areas. She takes advantage of you by imposing alleged facts, statistics, and other data you may know little about. For example, she will think she knows the doing business in Uganda better than you. This can happen in sales and financial situations, in discussions and negotiations, as well as in social and relational arguments. By presuming expert power over you, this manipulator hopes to push through her agenda more convincingly. Simply know that she is a thief trying to con you at any cost and in any way even if it means having sex with you.


One of the ways truly toxic people distract you from their nastiness is by focusing your attention on the supposed threat of another person. This is called triangulation. Narcissists love to ‘report back’ falsehoods about what others say about you. To resist the tactic, realise that the third party in the drama is being manipulated as well–he or she is another victim, not your enemy.

You can also try reverse triangulation, or gaining support from a third party that is not under this narcissist’s influence.

Honest people are easy marks for smooth-talking narcissists and master manipulators. Yet that’s only part of the reason narcissists pull off their shell games. The other reason is that she has honed her machiavellian skills into an art form. That’s why she brags about it. DON’T ALLOW YOURSELF TO BECOME HER VICTIM.

Have you personally experienced any of her deceitful manipulation techniques?

Know the games this toxic manipulating born again con called Annest Namata plays so that you can come out on top and not be her victim. Many men have fallen victim to her gold digging and thieving. 

DON’T let this thief fool you that she loves you when all she is after is your money.



Tell a friend


Posted by on January 7, 2017 in Uncategorized